Is Wild Yam The Ultimate Perimenopause Game-Changer?

Wild yam, known scientifically as Dioscorea villosa, is often talked about in the context of easing perimenopause symptoms.

Let’s break down how it’s thought to help in a more down-to-earth way:

Hormone Harmony

Wild yam contains a substance called diosgenin, which is similar to the hormone progesterone, a hormone that plays a big role in women’s health. During perimenopause, hormone levels, especially progesterone, can be all over the place, leading to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms like mood changes, irregular periods, and those infamous hot flashes.

The idea is that diosgenin in wild yam might help even things out a bit. It’s not exactly the same as our body’s progesterone, but it’s close enough that it might mimic some of its effects. This could mean it helps balance those hormonal ups and downs that come with perimenopause, potentially easing symptoms.

But, it’s not a clear-cut solution. Our bodies manage hormones in a complex manner, and we don’t fully understand the precise role wild yam plays in this process. While many women have found it helpful, the scientific community is still on the fence, needing more evidence to fully back its benefits.

Managing Menstrual Mayhem

When you’re going through perimenopause, your menstrual cycle can start acting like it has a mind of its own. One month it’s business as usual, and the next, it’s either taking a surprise vacation or overstaying its welcome, often with more intensity. It’s like your body’s throwing a curveball at you every month. It’s believed that wild yam has a soothing effect on the uterus. Think of it as a calming influence in the midst of all the hormonal turmoil that’s causing your periods to go haywire. The hope is that by using wild yam, you might be able to nudge your menstrual cycle back towards something that resembles your normal rhythm.

Now, it’s not like flipping a switch.
Wild yam may not be a guaranteed solution, but many think it helps ease symptoms into a more manageable pattern. It’s kind of like having a subtle, natural assistant working behind the scenes to help smooth out those menstrual bumps.

Tackling Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Dealing with hot flashes and night sweats can feel like you’re in your own personal sauna that you never asked for. They’re like these uninvited guests that show up during perimenopause, making you feel all hot and bothered at the most inconvenient times. And when night sweats join the party, good luck getting a full night’s sleep. Even though the science world hasn’t given its full backing yet, there are quite a few women who swear by wild yam as their go-to for cooling down these fiery episodes. Whether it’s popping a supplement or applying a cream, they find that wild yam seems to turn down the heat a bit. It’s like having a personal thermostat that helps regulate these sudden temperature spikes.

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The idea is that wild yam might help dial down both the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and night sweats. Imagine going from having a hot flash that feels like a tropical heatwave to something more like a mild, brief warm-up. Or getting through the night without having to change your pajamas or sheets. That’s the kind of relief we’re talking about.

Combatting Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness during perimenopause can be a real nuisance. It’s like your body suddenly decides to turn the moisture levels down there way down low, leaving you feeling uncomfortable and, frankly, a bit irritated. It’s one of those things that isn’t talked about enough, but it’s a pretty common issue when you’re going through this phase of life. This is where wild yam creams come into play, offering a glimmer of hope.

These creams contain diosgenin, a substance that’s thought to be a bit of a game-changer in the moisture department. The idea is that when you apply wild yam cream, the diosgenin gets to work and helps boost the natural lubrication down there. It’s like giving your body a little nudge to remind it to keep things more comfortably lubricated.

For many women, using wild yam cream can be like finding an oasis in a desert. It can turn those moments of dryness and discomfort into something a lot more bearable, making everyday life and intimate moments much more enjoyable.

Easing Mood Swings and Anxiety

Some women have found this natural remedy to be a bit like an emotional anchor during these turbulent times. The thought is that wild yam might have a calming effect on those hormonal highs and lows, helping to level out the emotional landscape. It’s like having a buffer against those sudden mood shifts, making the journey through perimenopause a bit smoother.

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Now, it’s not a magic potion. It doesn’t mean you’ll never feel anxious or moody again. But for some, wild yam seems to take the edge off, making those emotional waves a bit less overwhelming.

It’s crucial to note that opinions on the effectiveness of wild yam vary, and research has yielded mixed results. More studies are needed for a definitive understanding of its benefits. If you’re considering wild yam or any other natural remedy for perimenopause symptoms, consulting with a healthcare provider is a wise step. They can guide you on its safety, appropriate dosage, and compatibility with other medications or health conditions. Making informed health decisions in collaboration with a medical professional ensures that you’re taking the best possible care of yourself.


Creating an organic DIY wild yam cream can be a rewarding experience, especially if you’re interested in natural skincare products. Wild yam, particularly its extract, is known for its potential benefits in balancing hormones and soothing skin. Here’s a simple recipe to make your own wild yam cream at home:

Preparation Time

  • Gathering Ingredients: About 10 minutes
  • Equipment Setup: 5 minutes

Cooking Time

  • Melting Beeswax and Oil: Approximately 10-15 minutes
  • Mixing and Cooling: Around 20-30 minutes, including the time for the mixture to cool before adding Vitamin E and essential oils.

Total Time

  • Preparation Time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Overall: Approximately 45-60 minutes

Remember, these times can vary slightly depending on factors like the specific temperatures used and the cooling time in your environment. The most time-consuming part is usually waiting for the mixture to cool down sufficiently before whipping it into a cream.


  1. Wild Yam Extract: This is the key ingredient. You can purchase wild yam extract from health stores or online. Ensure it’s organic for the best quality.
  2. Carrier Oil: Choose an organic carrier oil like coconut oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil. These oils are great for the skin and will form the base of your cream.
  3. Beeswax: This natural ingredient helps to thicken the cream and also adds a protective layer to the skin.
  4. Essential Oils: Optional, for fragrance. Lavender or chamomile are great choices for their soothing properties.
  5. Vitamin E Oil: Acts as a natural preservative and is also beneficial for skin health.
  6. Distilled Water or Rose Water: For added hydration.
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  • Double Boiler
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Whisk or Mixer
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Sterilized Jar for Storage


  1. Prepare the Base:
    • Measure 1/2 cup of your chosen carrier oil and 2 tablespoons of beeswax.
    • Place them in the double boiler over low heat until the beeswax melts completely, stirring occasionally.
  2. Incorporate Wild Yam Extract:
    • Remove from heat as soon as the beeswax and oil mix together.
    • Add 2 tablespoons of wild yam extract. Stir well.
  3. Add Hydration:
    • Slowly add about 1/4 cup of distilled water or rose water to the mixture. It’s important to do this gradually while continuously stirring to create an emulsion.
  4. Cooling Down:
    • Allow the mixture to cool slightly. When it’s warm but not hot, add a few drops of Vitamin E oil and, if desired, 5-10 drops of your chosen essential oil.
  5. Whisking:
    • Use a whisk or an electric mixer to whip the cream until it reaches a smooth, creamy consistency.
  6. Storage:
    • Transfer the cream into a sterilized jar. Store it in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator for longer shelf life.
  7. Usage:
    • Apply the cream to clean skin, often targeting areas such as the abdomen, thighs, or arms. Remember, a little goes a long way!


  • Patch Test: Always do a patch test before using the cream extensively, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  • Shelf Life: Homemade creams without strong preservatives typically last a few weeks. Refrigeration can extend this period.
  • Customization: Feel free to adjust the proportions of the ingredients based on your skin type and preferences.

Enjoy your homemade organic wild yam cream, knowing exactly what’s in it and tailoring it to your skin’s needs!

Hold on!!! You can also download a printable copy of this recipe. Hit the download or print icon below.

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